Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, after breakfast and again after dinner
Brush for a least two minutes each time. Your parents should supervise you if you are seven years or younger
Use a small to medium sized brush with soft to medium bristles
When most of your adult teeth have come through, get your parents or your hygienist to teach you how to floss
Use a fluoride mouthwash to strengthen the enamel of your teeth. Your parents should supervise you if you are seven years or younger
Eat healthily. Your diet must include fresh fruit and vegetables to ensure proper formation of your teeth
Limit sugary food and drinks to meal times
Get into the habit of drinking or rinsing your mouth with water after eating sugary foods
If you need a snack between meal times, snack on things such as carrots or celery sticks
If you need a drink between meal times, drink water or milk
Do not drink too many fizzy drinks
Visit one of our dentists at least once a year. If you play contact sports, such as rugby or karate, get one of our dentists to make you a custom-made mouthguard