Do you have sensitive teeth? Have you ever wondered what could cause such sensitivity? We all love to eat our favorite foods and drinks. However, sometimes, our teeth become sensitive and make it difficult to do that in peace. So what exactly causes tooth sensitivity?
Why Your Teeth Hurt
The functionality of your teeth is supported by the enamel. The enamel is the hard outer layer of a tooth which helps your teeth to chew the daily food you consume. However, due to the constant functionality of your teeth, wear, and tear factor is inevitable. This can be a result of certain foods you consume, and your lifestyle and oral hygiene habits. If you happen to have thinner enamel, you might be more susceptible to teeth sensitivity; in other words, you would have more sensitive teeth than some other people. While you might not lose too much sleep if you have one sensitive tooth, the pain and discomfort might develop into a serious case if left unattended. So what has contributed to your sensitive teeth?
- Brushing your teeth too hard:
You might think that the harder you brush your teeth, the cleaner they get. As you brush hard, you wear down the enamel, the substance protecting the sensitive nerves in your teeth. As time goes by, your action will eventually leave them exposed, down to the nerve areas of the teeth; hence your sensitivity to hot foods and cold beverages.
- Using a hard toothbrush:
It is a misconception that a hard-bristled toothbrush will clean your teeth better. Most dentists recommend a middle to a soft-bristled toothbrush. But a hard toothbrush is bad news for your teeth because it will eventually wear down your enamel with constant use, and result in sensitive teeth.
- Regular consumption of acidic foods and beverages
Fried foods, soft drinks, and beer might be a delight but they are highly acidic. They attack the enamel and leave your teeth open to sensitivity.
- Grinding or clenching your teeth
Stress or frustration might make you grind your teeth now and then, but this is counterproductive. Teeth grinding is known to wear away one’s enamel. So you are unconsciously kissing your enamel goodbye and making your teeth more prone to sensitivity gradually every time you unconsciously grind your teeth. Teeth clenching puts pressure on the tissues and structures around the jaw, so you might be setting yourself up for another problem, as teeth clenching may cause you to lose a tooth sooner or later.
- Gum recession
This is our dental care. Receding gums usually leave teeth exposed. So when the exposed areas get hit by hot or cold food substances, you may sometimes feel pain, which confirms the fact that you have sensitive teeth.
- Tooth decay and broken teeth
When decay sets in, a tooth is generally worn down progressively. In time, it wears the enamel down to the nerve areas of the tooth. In this case, sensitivity is localized to a tooth, instead of many teeth at once.
Other conditions can cause stomach acid to come up from the stomach causing sensitivity. These could include gastroesophageal reflux, bulimia, and gastroparesis, for example. The acid in the body that comes up into the mouth works on the enamel of the teeth and wears them down. So, when you have any of these conditions, you are prone to having sensitive teeth. Finally, dental work like teeth filling and teeth bleaching can make your teeth sensitive, however, don’t worry. Sensitive reduces after a few days.
How to Prevent Teeth Sensitivity.
To keep teeth sensitivity at bay, there are a few things you might want to do. You might want to ease your muscled grip on your toothbrush whenever you’re brushing your teeth. This will ensure that too much pressure is not applied to the teeth and gums. One way to know if you’ve been applying too much pressure when brushing is to check your toothbrush bristles. If they look scattered, then you’ve been applying too much pressure.
Also, you might need to ditch your hard-bristled toothbrush for a new, soft-bristled one. Usually specified on the toothbrush case, hard toothbrushes damage gums in the long run. And, of course, they bring on teeth sensitivity fast, as they are usually uncompromisingly hard on your enamel whenever you brush. In the long run, instead of having clean strong teeth, you’re left with sensitive teeth.
Furthermore, it is advisable to eat more fruits and vegetables, not just because these foods have vitamins and nutrients that keep you healthy, but because they are not as acidic. If you are going to consume the following, ensure you brush well: fried foods, soft drinks, alcohol, and smoking.
Moreso, you need to find a way to destress because stress causes teeth grinding and clenching, which results in teeth sensitivity
Treatment for Sensitive Teeth
Overly sensitive teeth could be a sign of something more serious. If this happens to be the case for you, then it is advisable to consult a dentist. If a change in toothpaste is not working, and the inclusion of an alcohol-free mouthwash makes no observable improvement in the situation, the dentist might do a routine dental cleaning and a visual exam on you. To check for sensitivity, the dentist might touch your teeth with dental instruments, and he or she might order an X-ray to rule out cavities.
Underlying medical conditions like gastroesophageal reflux can be treated with acid reducers. While bulimia can be treated under the supervision of a psychiatrist. If you have an intense case of teeth sensitivity due to severe gum recession, the dentist might recommend a gum graft, a procedure that involves taking tissue from the palate and placing it over the root for tooth protection.
If you want a permanent solution to your teeth sensitivity problem, you can reach out to us at Smile 360 Dental Specialist. We offer the very latest dental and orthodontic treatments and services on an international level, providing the same premium treatment some people would travel abroad to receive. Our practice is extremely professional, yet customer-friendly, and our treatments are tailored to your oral needs after proper examination. You can contact us on +2348181360000 or +2348181360023, send a mail to or